
A Different World Awaits

Foreign University International School Manila Philippines - A Different World Awaits

A certain Karen Kostyla once said that “Faith goes hand in hand with courage – when we choose to move courageously, we are putting our faith into action – courage then takes us out of our comfort zone and into wonderful new places we would never have considered reaching on our own.” 

The long wait is over. The moment that you have been dreaming about has finally arrived. You have just bidden farewell to Southville, your alma mater –, to the four-walled- rooms, to the nerve-wracking research papers, to dedicated professors, and to university life. Another chapter of your life is about to unfold. 

So, you just graduated from college. What are you going to do next? The task of finding a job can be a long and frustrating process, so here are some tips graduates can use to make their search a little less painful: 

1. Start early. “It’s never too early to start looking for a job,” says Laura Yu, a career counselor at Virginia Tech University. “I usually recommend that students start looking the summer before their senior year”; 

2. Decide on what you want. Before you start handing your resumés, you first need to figure out what kind of job you want and how much companies offer that position; 

3. Take advantage of your school’s career center. Career counseling service will work to build and enhance partnerships with the finest companies to assure the students of premium experience in their selected fields; 

4. Be prepared. Before going to interviews you should research the company and be prepared to ask intelligent and well thought-out questions; and lastly, 

5. Try everything. Do not limit yourself to just one search method, instead, you should use a variety of strategies and be sure to utilize all the resources available. 

The world of job hunting is a tough one with many applicants all wanting to get in, but always remember that you are unique and have been given strengths and abilities; use them to maximize your career possibilities. Find out your strengths, write them down, and continue to hone them. Remember, life is about choices. Someone once said, “Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” 

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