Leyzabelle Gabuat

Foreign University International School Manila Philippines - SISFU Alumni - Leyzabelle Gabuat
School of Business Management
Technology Consultant

How has SISFU helped in my career?

SISFU is a well-known international school and the fact that SISFU alumni are rare individuals who excel in different fields, it makes us special. SISFU's credibility is so very good that once employers know you are a SISFU graduate, they will acknowledge you. SISFU is also very supportive when it comes to extra-curricular/organizational activities, which I think is a very essential factor to a person's growth.

But most of all, SISFU gave me a very wide perspective of life through friends, teachers, mentors, and experiences.

Foreign University International School Manila Philippines - SISFU Alumni - Leyzabelle Gabuat

What is my advice to current/future students?

Do your best in everything that you do. Enjoy every day of your life and don't forget the people around you while you are on your journey - your family, friends, teachers. You'll be surprise with what you will be able to achieve. You may sometimes fail, but there is always a reason for that - and believe me, it is always for the better! Be proud of our school!