
Southville’s Open House 2022

Southville’s Open House took place on November 19, 2022 with the theme Stranger Things Open House! It was led by John Edryck Alvarado—Senior Vice President for External Affairs of Psych Society, and Khryzelle Lorilla—President of Psych Society, who began the event by welcoming the guests and thanking the sponsors of the event: Power Mac Center, Asian Eye Institute, Green Bar, Smart, Kenny Rogers, and Jellyfish Education Philippines.

Before the welcoming message, the hosts enthused everyone by introducing the fun activities that were prepared by each booth of different programmes from Southville—Race and contests with awesome prizes. Afterwards, Mr Daniel Steel, SGEN Communications Director, delivered his welcoming speech, where he first briefly introduced the SGEN schools, then highlighted their successes.

To further enlighten the guests about the opportunities they can grab at Southville, guest speakers from SISFU were invited to share their own experience as students.

Jay Christian Visitacion, a 2nd year student from SISFU’s School of Hospitality Management (SOHM) told his story about how a simple “good morning” really showed him what the SOHM community is like in SISFU. Indeed, it is a word that motivates and inspires people. The moment he stepped foot inside the campus—even his classroom—he was already given the taste of what it would be like working in the industry.

The next speaker, Lorenzo Viola, a 3rd year student from BA Accounting and Business Management, highlighted three things: People, Culture, and Curriculum. He talked about the friendliness of the students, faculty, and staff, and how highly well-versed the lecturers are, and how SISFU’s culture fosters a meaningful respect for each other, wherein students strive to collaborate to achieve excellence and instill the 5Cs.

Similarly, Chanel Abelardo, currently a 3rd year BA Business Administration and Management (SOBM) student, shared how the people she met in SISFU allowed her to not only grow as a person but as a leader, and how SISFU’s community served as one of her greatest support system. All these contribute to her gaining new experiences as she eagerly took the challenge of becoming a Vice President of Digital Alliance and Head of Creative Outputs of SISFU’s official publication, The Bridge.

AJ Victoria, a 1st year Data Analytics student from the School of Digital Technolgoy (SODT), is also grateful to be finding himself in SISFU because the programme ignited his passion even more for research and analyzing data, specifically those that relate to business, given the high-quality education that is provided.

Similarly, two other students of SODT, Eli Daguman and Ethel Anne Topacio, both shared their positive experiences: supportive and patient faculty that supports their learning process, self improvement and enhanced professional development and leadership skills, and building worthwhile connections.

As the guests were invited to check out the different food concessionaires for lunch, a number of performers from Southville rendered their song numbers. To wrap up the event, the hosts announced the winners of the games and held a final raffle before delivering their closing remarks, thanking everyone for their time and participation.

#UnityThroughDiversity #WeareTheBridge #SISFUReachHigher

Written by: Carlos Espinosa and Hershey Bulawin

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